The Birth Experience -Every Birth is Different: The Goal is the Same. What to Expect in Natural Births, C-sections, VBACS and Preventing Preterm Births By Michelle N. Brown-Echerd, ND - June 2015 Portland, OR, USA Natural Births: A choice for many and defined differently; natural, vaginal, low risk births can occur with little intervention. There are many options available; be prepared for plans to change and be ready and educated, in advance, in case an urgent situation arises.
What will you do if you are preparing for a birth after having a prior C-section?
C-Sections: “Cesarean Sections” Many are planned in advance; some are urgent. Be educated prior to your due date about policies present at the place that you would like to deliver. Hire a doula for support. Make a birth plan. Preventing premature/preterm labor and births:
This blog post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of medical care and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure any disease or condition. See your healthcare provider for health related issues.
The Birth Experience Every Birth is Different. The Goal is the Same.
What to Expect in Natural Births, C-Sections, VBACs and preventing Preterm births. By Michelle Brown-Echerd, ND and provisional doula ICTC Natural Births: Natural birth is a process of delivering vaginally without any interventions. This can occur in a variety of situations, including in hospitals, at homes or in birthing centers and unfortunately, but not the end of the world, sometimes occurs in cars, while people are on the way to the hospital or stuck in traffic. There are various types of birth workers around the world including doctors (MD/ND), midwives, nurses, doulas, perinatologists, neonatologist, lactation consultants, massage therapists and other practitioners that have special training in birth related treatment including chiropractors, counselors and Reike practitioners.
Preventing preterm labor and births:
November 2019
AuthorLicensed naturopathic physician, in Oregon. Categories |
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